One of my favourite features in the Apple ecosystem is text replacement. It allows you to automatically replace custom strings with predefined text and is useful in multiple scenarios – not the least of which being that it makes the use of typographic details more convenient. Text Replacements are synchronised via iCloud between your Apple devices, making workflows easy.

See below for my own Text Replacements and copy what you find useful.

Typographic Details

Replace… With… Note
:mid · Midpoint; a versatile typographic element
:prime Prime; used as abbreviation for minutes
:dprime Double prime; used as abbreviation for inches or seconds
:degree °  

Keyboard symbols

Replace… With… Note
:alt Mac Option key
:caps Caps Lock key
:cmd Mac Command key
:ctrl and :control Mac Control key
:delete Delete key
:enter Enter key
:shift Shift key

Numbers and Math operators

Replace… With… Note
^2 ²  
1/2 ½  
1/4 ¼  
3/4 ¾  
:multi and xx × Multiplication sign; I use this often, so I also have the double-x shorthand
=/= Not equal
<= Greater than or equal
>= Smaller than or equal

Word Replacements

Replace… With… Note
:tel +12 345 678910  
CO2 CO₂  
ios iOS  
macos macOS  

Preventing Replacements

In rare cases you don’t want your text to be replaced. To prevent a replacement from happening on macOS, press esc before pressing the space bar or press Cmd+Z immediately after the replacement took place. On iOS click on the x in the text suggestion bubble or three-finger-swipe to undo immediately after the replacement took place.